About Us
To relieve the needs of people with dementia from African Black Minority Ethnic (BME) people in Birmingham in response to the lack of representation of African BME people with dementia in service provision by providing facilities to engage with service providers, to enable those providers to adapt services to better meet the needs of that community.
Our Vision
To relieve the needs of people with dementia from African Black Minority Ethnic (BME) people.
- Dementia awareness workshops
- Online and offline training culturally competent befrienders
- Provide social outings and activities
- Recruitment and training of BME dementia friendly pets e.g. dogs
The Mission
Providing facilities to engage with service providers, to enable those providers to adapt services to better meet the needs of that community.
Dementia awareness workshops
Online and offline training of culturally competent befrienders
Provide social outings and activities.
Train or Hire BME dementia friendly trained pets e.g. dogs